Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Single Motherhood Is...

CRAZY HECTIC: I feel like I just rush from one thing to the next ALL DAY LONG! Today, we got up, ate breakfast, rushed to drop off first Max, then Davey (we were almost the last ones in carpool line, not the last, but when I commented to Davey that we might be last, he said, "That's ok, Mommy, the last shall be first and the the first will be last." - cracked me up!!), then off to work- today I rode the pre-school bus to collect eleven 3 and 4 year olds. After dropping off the kiddos, I went to the Room Parent Meeting for Davey. (that was my lunch hour well spent) There are 3 parents per class and they are the ones who coordinate the parties (Halloween, Christmas and Valentine's), arrange people to work the Fall Festival and the fish fries and help with disseminating info to the parents in each class. I signed up for the fish fry job. Then I went back to work and saw kids until our biweekly staff meeting, then collect boys, run to Wendy's for our Wednesday, pre-soccer picnic and then soccer practice. All I can say is, whew, I am glad there is only one Wednesday each week!!

FULL OF DECISIONS: I know all parents have to make lots of decisions every day, but I never realize how much I relied on having someone to discuss with and bounce ideas off of. I even feel a little jealous of divorced parents who fight and disagree over decisions for their kids. How much to invest in college savings versus regular savings, how much life insurance to buy, how to get rid of the annoying life insurance salesman that you told you were "going in another direction" and he STILL keeps calling to "offer advice", how to discipline a child when they don't do as they were told, whether to put a decal supporting your child's (parochial) school when you are an employee of the public system. Let me explain. David never thought it appropriate to have a St. Margaret Mary sticker on the vehicle that I was driving to work and parking in public school parking lots. Now, I have had Davey ask about the decals on the cars of other SMM parents and I am wondering what David would do now that Davey is inquiring about it. Please weigh in on the subject, folks!

CONSTANTLY IN SEARCH OF "BRIGHT SPOTS": I have to be on the lookout for the little happinesses in my days, not that these examples are "happy", but... For example, I received the first checks from Social Security for the boys yesterday, I have some neat moms to talk to at soccer practice, my neighbor cut down and removed 12 paper lawn bags and 9 bundles of sticks, limbs, etc. from the downed portions of the tree in the backyard, (then came back the next night and mowed the lawn!), the Moms' Group from church is continuing the meals on Tues. and Thurs. each week, Tena and Eli are arriving in one week, David's mom and dad are planning a trip here in October, my brother, sister-in-law and nephew are planning on coming to KY for Thanksgiving, and of course, I have 2 of the most awesome boys on the planet!

At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us.

-Albert Schweitzer

[D]on't pray when it rains if you don't pray when the sun shines. (New York Post, October 4, 1959)

-Leroy (Satchel) Paige


Tena said...

although you are crazy busy being a single parent, I'm glad to know that you are counting our visit as a 'bright spot!'
i'm also glad that you're continuing to get supported by people in town. that's comforting for me since i'm so far away.
i think no sticker for SMM on your car for now. i'm with David on that one.
love you.

Anonymous said...

Those awesome boys have one awesome Mommy, too!
It was great talking to you Wednesday night...I can't wait until it's in person for Thanksgiving.
I could go either way with the SMM decal. I don't think that it's a big deal that you work for the public system but choose to send your child to parochial school. It's a personal choice that is based on spirituality as much as education.
Talk to you you

Anonymous said...

Hi Jen : You are such a thoughtful person. Those boys are so lucky to have you for a mommy!In my opinion, both school systems are good. It is a money factor for a lot of us as much as it is a religious one. I love our school and will do all I can to support it, but if we could afford to, we would probably have put our daughter in a private school. As for a decal, it wouldn't matter where or who I worked for I would still support the school my kids go to. It does not mean you do not support the other school system, otherwise you wouldn't be working for it. Right? Love and prayers.

Melanie and Scott said...

Wow...and I thought my plate was full! Reality check for me! Those boys are so lucky to have you. As for the decal, I say put it on your car. You need to show Davey that you support his school and what he does. I know he knows that but this is a visible sign of that support. I work in a different district than where we chose to buy a house because I wanted Wesley and Quniton to go to a different school district. I just explain it to people as we had to make the choice that we thought was best for our family at the time. The same is true for you! Show your support for SMM! Love you! BIG HUGS to all!