Monday, August 10, 2009

A Happy New Year... of sorts

I feel like I braced myself for a big storm and there was just a few days of heavy rain, some showers and some days of drizzle. Now that I am on the other side of the Anniversary, I can say that it was not as bad as I expected and that this August is MUCH better than last.

My parents hosted a party for many of our most supportive friends. It was fun to see so many from all areas of our lives, school, church, work, neighborhood, to name a few. We celebrated, cried, laughed and swapped David stories. Again, we are so fortunate!

I went back to work for good this morning. I have worked a total of 11 days during the summer, doing transition and First Steps meetings, attending and presenting professional development sessions... It was great to see some of my favorite coworkers, catch up from the summer, have lunch together and ease into the new school year. I will have 4 teachers that I haven't worked with before and 4 that I worked with in the past. I already know some of the kiddos on my caseload, so that makes prepping for the new year a little easier.

Davey is again at Camp Googey and DadDad. So far, they have harvested and eaten fresh produce from my dad's garden, gone swimming and done some puzzles. I can't wait to hear tomorrow about the next adventures! Weeks like this allow Max and I to have time that we don't usually have with just the 2 of us. Usually, it is Davey that I get one on one time with since he is up later. I have enjoyed getting to spend quality time with him, letting him be the center of my attention.

I am looking forward to lots of exciting things to come in the next year. I am optimistic and think there are a lot of possibilities out there. Davey and I have speculated a little in the past week or so about the new school year... new friends, new teacher, harder work, etc. Not only true in the world of first grade, but also in the real world, too.

Please continue to pray for my friend Tena and her family as they battle her dad's cancer and also for David's sister, Mary, who had a little girl a couple weeks ago- 12 weeks premature.

Have a fantastic week!!!


Tena said...

I'm glad you had a good weekend and a good party. Sorry I wasn't able to be there with you. Soon, I hope to be able to hug your neck in person! I think I'm going into withdrawals of some of our 'late night chats!' Oh, wait, we do that when we're several states away...
I pray for you, you pray for me. What great team we are! Miss you, sista! Love you!

Robin S. said...

Prayers for a good two days of school. I think it's crazy the JCPS kids are starting so late in the week. Oh well. We're all packed up with supplies and ready to go tomorrow. Talk to you soon. Love and prayers always.

Anonymous said...

You were in my thoughts and prayers all weekend, it sounds like you handled it all with grace and finesse as always. We met JT's teacher on Tuesday and dropped off his supplies in his classroom. He's all set!