Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Ahhh..... Summer

We are enjoying our summer. A lot of time spent with friends from church at the pool or in backyards grilling out. We are blessed with many people in our lives who must either like us a lot or feel sorry for us (tee hee) because we have had a very wonderfully busy past week. Between friends here in the neighborhood and friends from St. Margaret Mary, we have enjoyed many evenings of perfect weather, awesome company and yummy food on porches, decks and lawns.

Davey and Max are turning into blond pool bums (Davey even is learning a few rudimentary swimming skills, despite asking emphatically, "But WHY do I need to learn to swim?"). Davey also is learning a bit of golf at his Wednesday morning golf clinic. Max wants to do everything his big brother does, so there are a great many attempts at the monkey bars and trapeze bar on the backyard swingset, paired with "Mommy! Look at me!"

I just had a great phone conversation with my (awesome) mom. She has discovered Facebook, as so many have. It is so fun to see her having such a good time with it. I love having a mom who is also my best friend! We have fun together and have good chats about nothing, like friends so often do, just because we like talking to each other.

I hope everyone gets a chance to enjoy some peaceful summertime activities with people they love. This is what makes life enjoyable and what makes all the "not so pleasant" stuff that is also part of life worth putting up with. Thank goodness, with the summer about half over, there are still a few things planned to look forward to: a couple theatre excursions, a trip to Chicago for the Harry Potter exhibit at the Museum of Science and Industry with Sherri and J.T., a few books in the "to read" stack and more things that we don't even know about yet.

I wonder what the holiday weekend has in store for us....


Simmie said...

When are you coming to visit? :)

Lyn and John said...

You're my best girlfriend, too! Isn't it wonderful? We're so lucky to have each other.
Love ya! Mom

Carrie said...

Jennifer--I'm taking a few days off here in the parish office and we're heading up Chicago way to see the Harry Potter exhibit Saturday. We can't wait!