Monday, December 1, 2008


We had a wonderful super-long weekend. We headed to Mom and Dad's Tuesday and Chip and Sherri and J.T. were already there. We began the toileting on Wed. morning. Every hour and a half, I took Max to sit on the toilet (either the little one or the full size one), not always entirely willingly. He did pretty well, overall. I got tired of doing laundry, but the plastic pants and cloth training pants are the way to go, in my opinion. We ventured out to see horses at a small farm, and there was pottying, followed by M&Ms, went to do a little shopping, again there was pottying, and we went to church on Thursday and Sunday... we get good at finding the restrooms wherever we went.

On other activities not related to the restroom, we all went to see "Bolt" in 3D. I think everyone enjoyed it, even my dad, who is not much of a movie-goer. I got some shopping done online for both boys. Food was delicious, of course, and we all got to have a choice of pie that appealed to us (pecan, pumpkin, apple-cranberry or chocolate).

The boys really enjoyed seeing their cousin! The boys laughed together, played, ran (even when told REPEATEDLY to NOT run inside), jumped on the beds (another no-no)... generally did all those things cousins are supposed to do. I love that they get to spend time together even though there's 13 hours between us. Family MUST be a priority, or things like this often do not happen.

Next on the schedule is getting ready for Max's 3rd birthday on Friday. Treats for his class, a small party (3 friends when you turn 3 is the rule at our house) and celebrating with Googey and DadDad.

Max and Davey were excited to be back at school today. Max was not as successful today as he had been before. At home, I told him he had to go potty before dinner, and success!! But, tomorrow is another day! I hope it is a potty-filled (and diaper-free!) day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This morning JT told me that he missed Davey & Max and that he'd like to move to Kentucky. I hope that we can all see one another before June (perhaps a spring break trip?) this year. I hope for continued good luck with the potty training!!
Love you...