Monday, September 29, 2008

Mom vs. Teacher

It is hard to be a teacher and then go to your child's conference. I went to Davey's today and, of course, his teacher thinks he is "exceptional". I loved hearing that, of course. We talked about how to challenge him and also that he needs to work on not talking when he shouldn't (in the bathroom with 2 other boys, the same ones each time) and he needs to slow down and take his time so his work will be neater. I have some sad times each day, but I keep trying to focus on the good things. Every time I hug one of the boys, I tell myself I am hugging David, too. Tonight, Josie (of the Chitwood clan) came down after dinner to play and within minutes, Logan (he is nearly 2 and seems to really like my boys) and his dad, Ryan, were ringing the bell. So we all were playing in the basement. When it was time for my boys to get in the tub, everybody took off. It is nice to have neighbors who are so nice and who have kids around Davey and Max's ages. Tomorrow we are invited to a friend's house for an early celebration of Davey's birthday. Then Tena and Eli arrives and the CRAZINESS will begin! Fun, but hectic! Gotta go make a kindergarten lunch! The fun never stops!

1 comment:

Tena said...

I was gonna say something about me being jealous that you have such cool neighbors...
and then I got sidetracked about the CRAZINESS comment. Does that mean having us will make your house crazier than it already is, that we will make your house crazy? Now I have so many questions! But, I still love you and can't wait to hug you and the boys! Uh, that's tomorrow - gotta scoot!