Sunday, January 18, 2009

Swivel Sweeper

Here is an update on the "As Seen On T.V." products in our home. We love the Swivel Sweeper that I ordered! It even picked up sauerkraut! I know, you are wondering why I force my poor children to eat that. But they like sauerkraut, artichoke hearts, pomegranates (and their juice), starfruit, and jambalaya. I think that if kids are exposed to a wide variety of foods from the beginning, they are more likely to eat interesting things and not turn their noses up at something new or different. They aren't insisting on eating only cheese pizza, chicken nuggets and peanut butter. Davey says, "Just remember, I DON'T want to have to eat Brussels sprouts!" Well, if I had to eat the same number of bites of lima beans as the number of years old I was, HE can eat a Brussels sprout now and then. Davey says he feels the same way about spinach.


Lyn and John said...

DadDad and I like to eat all those things, so we can't vote.
We had a great time visiting you this weekend, and we're looking forward to seeing you again in two weeks. Lots of love, Googey

Tena said...

Funny post! I need one of those Swivel Sweepers - especially since we have to play '52 cheerio pickup' at my house!

Also, I'll be sure to have Eli call you when he starts asking those questions. You know, I'm pretty sure what you'll tell him - not so sure what Husband will say!

Anonymous said...

I voted~ I don't like lima beans, liver & onions, or oysters. YUCK!

You know you brother and I have the same philosophy about teaching kids to eat yummy stuff! JT has been known to eat a proper plowman's complete with pate and stinky cheese!
Love you...