Saturday, August 9, 2008

No change

David's parents are on their way from Ft. Worth today.

Jen's brother, Chip and his wife, Sherri, and their son, JT, are also on their way by car from Waxahachie, Texas.

David remains at Jewish Hospital but has been moved to a larger, private room. He is responding to Jen when she talks to him but the ventilator and meds are keeping him alive. The doctors told Jen that within a few days (perhaps three), even the meds and the ventilator won't help.

Having heard that, last night, Jen told David that she loves him and that if/when he's ready to go, he needs to go. My heart is breaking at the thought of David losing this battle but it seems that the time is near.

Jen is continuing to be strong and courageous in this fight. The boys are doing fine so far. The family - Jen, her parents and the boys - were going to drive through some cemetaries this morning to find a nice, pretty place to lay David to rest.

Our prayers now are for David to be at peace, for Jen to know she's done everything the doctors recommended, and for everyone to continue to stay strong and committed to supporting all of them as the days grow short for David.

May the Lord Bless you, David. We miss you already.

** This is Tena, signing off.


meg said...

We love you guys, Jen. Tell David we'll see him again someday. I'll be happy to get in the car and drive over if you'd like the company. PRAYERS FOR PEACE!

Anonymous said...

All our prayers are with you and your family right now as they have been since this started. I know God is still working and he is our mighty saviour. We'll all be with him one day. I look forward to seeing a lot of loved ones that are already there. I praise God for you and the boys. Love and continued prayers, Robin S.

Anonymous said...

HUGS for you and the boys! You are one amazing wife, mother, daughter and friend. Your courage, devotion and FAITH inspires all of us who LOVE you. I'm praying David's last days will be peaceful ones.

Anonymous said...

Jennifer, We just got in town, and I just checked my e-mail...I am so sorry for all of this. I have passed you, and David and the kids on to a "prayer chain" with my mother-in-law. So, if you feel the warmth of strangers, know it is from Illinois, Minnesota, and Florida, and of course heaven! I pray God may grant all of you peace, and strength, during this time. I am so sorry...with you in prayer, Jenny Nichols

Anonymous said...

You know my heart is breaking for you. . . God will give you the strength that you need. I am here for you 24/7--just call me--you know that!!

Madge Brown said...

Dear Jennifer,

Our hearts are heavy as we read the latest news. There are no right words to say now, just a sense of peace and prayer.

Much love,
Chapter H Sisters